Sunday, 27 February 2011

TV: The Office Post-Michael Scott

Today I will be examining my thoughts on how The Office (2005-Present) has dealt with the exit of Steve Carrell as regional manager Michael Scott, and how this will affect the future of the program.

Ever since announcing Steve Carrell's departure, the writers of the hit show The Office have been unleashing the show's best episodes, in my opinion, since the first few seasons. Why? Well, as a writing team, the makers of The Office have been crafting story lines made years in advance; which I would call "the big ones".
        These "big ones", aka long term storyline plans, such as Michael Scott's action film, Todd Packer's return, Holly's return, and basically anything involving Michael, all were saved for special events such as series finales and  holidays. But ever since the announcement, the writers have been forced to empty the storage closets, use up these story lines, and in turn give the audience the best laughs in years from this aging show.

I would also like to commend the writers for revitalizing the use of a 'montage' episode in "Threat Level Midnight". Within this episode, Michael Scott reveals he has completed his feature film Threat Level: Midnight, which contains the office workers - past and present, as actors. He then proceeds to show this film to the office, and we all get to tag along. It was trilling to see old show favorites, like Jan, Troy, Karen and Roy, return to the show via the screening of Threat Level, and a great send off for the shows upcoming shifts.

Finally, as IMDB suggests that there are only three more episodes until the two parter entitled Goodbye Michael Scott, we can be sure to expect some hilarious episodes from The Office. As for my predictions on what happens post-Michael Scott:

First off, it's obvious Michael is going to leave because Toby is coming back from his jury duty and he's going to want to go to Nashua with Holly. However, I believe that the guest appear from Ricky Gervais is a sign that Ricky will hire Michael to work for him in Nashua, solving the problem of where Michael will work. I believe this because in reality, the many of the actors on The Office are on the verge of Movie stardom - Ed Helms being a blockbuster, John Krasinski a woman-favorite, Jenna Fischer breaking out in comedies, and who can deny Rainn Wilson's breakout into film. Having a big name like Ricky Gervais would be a unwise move for the writers, breaking up an already powerful team.

Anyways, we know that Will Farrell has signed on to have a short story arc post-Michael Scott. I read this as Farrell will be playing some sort of temporary sit-in sent from Sabre to keep track of the branch until a "new" boss is promoted. Now my money is between Jim and Andy as the new boss, leaning towards Jim. Why? Well, everyone expects Jim, I know, but nobody in house other then these two would be able to keep a balance on the show. I'm leaning towards Jim over Andy because if  Jim declines the offer (which I doubt), Andy would be the only option.

What are your opinions on the show? Who do you think will be the next boss? Are you liking these TV/Movie Reviews, or would you like me to focus more on music? Comment it up!


  1. I don't know if I can handle no steve carell, I pretty much watched the show for him lol

  2. I wouldn't mind music, but I definitely like the movie and tv reviews. And as for The Office, I'm leaning towards Jim, too.

  3. The office without Micheal Scott. :(
    Although I am interested to see Will Farrell in the office.
    And I like your TV/Movie reviews :3

  4. I never could get info the office. It always felt like a movie you would watch with only one or two funny parts and at the end all you could say was "EHHHHHHHH....".

  5. I really like The Office but I haven't watched too many episodes thought.

  6. The Office UK was pretty hilarious. The US one was great too, but I can't imagine that lasting without Carrell.

  7. it seems that michael is the glue that held everything together, i think the show and the cast would just be wierd without him.

  8. Hard to believe I still haven't seen The Office.

  9. I don't watch it but maybe I'll check it out cause it sounds interesting :D

  10. Well I still haven't seen the Office -.-

  11. Is this show that good? I've been searching for some series to watch

  12. The UK version was phenomenal and so were the first couple seasons of the US version. Somewhere along the line 1 just lost interest

  13. they should make the old man the boss :D

  14. I'm so sad to see Michael going, the office has been one of my favourite shows for years. I'm interested to see Will Farrell in it though.

    Great write up, I really enjoy your blog. I'll be back for more, I'm sure. :D

  15. Nice info! its sad to see Michael go!

  16. I'm gonna miss the little guy.
