Thursday, 14 July 2011

Movies: The Harry Potter Decade

Back in at the release of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in November 2001, who would've thought that our older selves, ten years down the line, would still be lining up in theaters worldwide with just as much anticipation as before?

It's hard to describe the influence both the Harry Potter movie series and the Harry Potter book series has had on our lives. To many, the books were the gateway to reading adventures, opening paths in life that might have not been there previously. Friends were met, laughs were had, and tears were shed. Then the movies came along, and presented the wonder of J.K. Rowling's epic series to the silver screen, both reinvigorating the young-adult film industry and reigniting reading culture with such ideas like "reading the book before seeing the movie". 

So as the release date ticks closer and closer to reality (mere hours I am told), it comes to a sudden realization that this Harry Potter decade is about to end. From 2001 to 2011, there's always been a Harry Potter film to expect. They just don't make series the same. It still amazes me to this day that they, save for the passing of Richard Harris (Dumbledore in the first two films), a character was never once recast, a feat that will most likely never been beaten again in this Hollywood age of "two/three movies and (the actor is) out".

All this said and done, I know that in the end, it always had to end, and with that I can leave the film happy about its accomplishments, and be happy that I was a apart of the Harry Potter generation.

  • Will you be seeing the film?
  • Midnight release or a later time?
  • How do you feel about how the films have been made?
  • Anything else Harry Potter related?
Thanks for reading! Please leave a comment below!


  1. - will not be going cinema but will definately see the movie.
    - later time
    - Always been a fan of fantasy genre so to have another film of this genre being made well (the acting did leave alot to be desired however you can see past it.
    - YOUR A WIZARD HARRY !!! *gasp*

    following ;)

  2. Dude, my girlfriend is seeing this as i type. I got ditched for those 3 kids and a bunch of wands :D
    Nice blog, hit me up!

  3. - I'll definitely going to see it right after my vacation!
    - Later going to Paris next week so after that
    - I love ALL the movies seriously I love them
    - No nothing related else, the books? nah

    thanks +follow!

  4. I'm going to see it just so this whole business can end. I started watching these movies, and I will stick with it until the end.

  5. Lot of time has passed. God, this guys have grown. As stated before, i will def see the movie, not in the theatre though, too many kids hahahah

  6. I think that I'm going to see it when it's released on DVD and I can rent it for some euros. It's a Hollywood production like any other ..

  7. The film came out yesterday here and fans packed the theatres to watch it. My girlfriend went with her sister but I was at work and I'm not a big fan anyway. I really enjoyed the first to movies but then didn't really follow and lost it. Nice post mate, keep it up.

  8. hell yea im seeing the midnight premier! wouldnt miss it for anything!

  9. I'm not going to see this movie, and I haven't watched any of the movies since the fourth one. The fifth book was my favourite, and I didn't want to see them butcher it like they butchered all the others. I do plan on re-reading them soon though.

  10. i'm excited to see the last movie, but i won't see a midnight showing or anything.

  11. I don't plan on watching it. The movies did butcher the books. Really my favorite part of the movies, was in the first one.
    "You're a wizard Harry"
    still hear it in that guys voice.

  12. you gotta stick withit until the very end! you read onebook,you read tyhem all

  13. Yes the movies did butcher the books slightly but they also were quite enjoyable, went to the midnight launch of the last one and it was a pretty good experience.

  14. I read the books and watched some of the movies, but I'm not a big fan. I just wanted to comment that seeing the first picture next to the second one is quite amazing. They've changed so much!

  15. Saw it last night
    Each one has gotten better imo.

  16. I'm deffinetly going to see the movie

  17. I'll be going to see it, but I live in the middle of no where, so I'll have to wait a bit. I got less impressed with the movies when the new director came in, (the change from their robes to regular street clothes at Hogwarts, etc.) but I do like the way the change of direction to a more grim story was handled, so I'm really happy with the movies.

  18. -Will definitely see it.
    -There is no cinema where I live, but will torrent it ofc.
    -They have been perfectly made. The sequels never suck like on other Hollywood movies.
    -Nothing else to say.

  19. i really want to see the new film! +followed

  20. It's crazy how popular this franchise has become. I didn't go to the premiere night, but I plan on seeing the final film very soon. Followed.

    Be sure to check out my blog as well! Cheers.

  21. Soooooooo many posts about this movie already haha.
    Not a big deal to me, but oh well.

  22. Man i love harry potter series, I will wait for your next posts


  23. Oh god, her hair!

    And I love the Harry Potter series, especially the books. J.K. Rowling has such a pleasant way of writing her stories. :D

    I'm still trying to find a time to watch the latest movie... and some friends to watch with. D:

  24. I want to see this new episode... but I will be waiting til it is on DVD

  25. I'm not gonna see the movie. I only liked the books!

  26. My brother saw the new movie.

    I'll probably be watching it later.

  27. say what you will about harry potter, not many books get made into movies with full approval of thier lit. fans.

  28. Definitely following!!

    I am going to watch HP as soon as I can. Theatre prices are outrageous these days, so I'm waiting for DVD. I have loved the books and movies! I can't believe its ending. You are right that nothing will compare to these, and they definitely don't make them like this anymore!

  29. Nice! I can now definitely see that they have grown a lot.

  30. I love the Harry Potter franchise and I really believe the movies get far too bad a rap :/
