Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Other: Halo 3 & Figured It Out

Hey everyone! 

E3 is here, and I'm excited to see what is in store for us in the next year of gaming. Right off the bat, Microsoft previewed a teaser trailer for Halo 4, and damn am I excited. Check it out here...

On a more personal note, I finally figured out why I keep getting odd views around my Game of Thrones post. It was suggested by one of you lovely people that it could be due to the map image I showed in my post, so I did some digging, and found that I am indeed the #1 image when one searches "map game of thrones" on Google images. Guess that's a tip to all bloggers alike, make sure to consider all types of advertising potential, and you might get rewarded! Awesome!

  • Anyways, interested in hearing about more E3 coverage? 

Let me know, and I just might do a recap post.

See ya later, Jonny.


  1. hiya, love halo series

    need a new xbox to play though =/

  2. Cool, Now I hope Robert Nylund writes another book to go with the game.

  3. I suddenly got thrice the views when I blogged about League og Legends with tags and pictures. No one used my referral link though...

  4. Watching it!

  5. This looks cool but my hand-eye coordination when it comes to games like this is so bad, I always die within seconds (and that's assuming I can even get my character to move correctly)

  6. cool. might have to check this out.

  7. OMG will the MC ever get to take a break? cant wait to play this one.

  8. Ah man man, Halo, hate these series.

  9. I've never played Halo. FPS don't really appeal to me.

  10. Use to love Halo 2 & 3 then I met CoD... and well Halo can't Reach ;p

  11. Can't wait for the halo 1 remake. that was my favorite game for a while.

  12. can't wait for the new halo
